Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Barristers is pleased to offer 3 different CLE formats:
- Online Live Webcast Seminars broadcast on the internet on a scheduled date and time -- allowing you to submit real-time questions to the seminar presenter
- Online On-Demand CLE Courses pre-recorded video lectures (and mp3 audio downloads in states that permit CLE credit for audio downloads) - available in bundles or bite-sized chunkcs, 24/7
- In-Person Seminars in cities throughout Mississippi and Tennessee
In-Person CLE: Barristers offers in-person seminars in Mississippi and Tennessee at convenient times each year.
Live Webcast CLE: Our live webcasts are typically approved in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, and sometimes in Oklahoma and Texas.
On-Demand CLE: Our On-Demand courses are typically approved in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas. A growing number of our On-Demand courses are also approved in North Carolina and Oklahoma.
In every state served by Barristers (except Missouri), Barristers will report your attendance in accordance with your state's guidelines. When you start to watch an On-Demand course or Live Webcast on our website, you will be asked at the beginning of the seminar to list the States to which you want credit reported, together with your Bar Number for each such state. (In Missouri, however, it is customary for the individual attorney to self-report completion of CLE programs to the state CLE agency. To that end, upon completion of an online CLE course, attorneys will be able to download and/or print a Certificate of Completion that can be used in the self-reporting process.)
In fact, while Barristers will report your attendance to Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and/or Texas (for courses approved in that particular state), any customer is always free to download Certificates of Completion (for online CLE) and to self-report on his/her own behalf!
TEXAS ATTORNEYS: If you are an attorney seeking credit in Texas and you are confronting an MCLE Reporting Deadline, please be aware that Rule 6.1 of the Texas MCLE Regulations requires that YOU self-report your MCLE credits prior to your individual MCLE deadline (which can be accomplished easily on the State Bar's website, using the Texas course codes that will be displayed on your Barristers Certificates of Completion when you have finished a course). As an MCLE sponsor, Barristers will report your credit to the State Bar as quickly as possible; but, pursuant to Rule 6.1, we cannot be responsible for individual reporting deadlines.
If you are seeking CLE credit in a state outside the states listed above, you are welcome to purchase and attend the seminar, but you will need to self-report your credits to such unlisted states. Barristers will be happy to supply any documentation that such states may require. Barristers cannot guarantee that unlisted states will grant approval or credit for the course (although Barristers courses have been widely accepted for credit in states all across the United States for over 25 years).
First, select the seminars or CLE bundles you wish to purchase and place them in your online shopping cart. Then, you will create your account with Barristers during the checkout process when you make your first purchase online with Barristers. (When you return for subsequent purchases, you can then log into your pre-existing account using the email address and password that you set up during your first purchase.)
In short, if you don't already have an account with us, just find a seminar, course, or bundle you like and begin the checkout process - we'll take it from there!
Online CLE Questions
Each state is different, so we've created this handy guide to online CLE rules by state.
Most folks who are able to view videos on, for example, will also be able to view our online CLE.
If your office typically blocks video, please have your IT staff allow video to be played on our website at
If you have further questions, you can always Contact Us.
Before you've completed a course for the first time, as a general rule, there is no expiration date on your on-demand, pre-recorded seminars! You can watch them whenever you're ready, whether that's this week, next month, or next year! However, if the material in a particular On-Demand course becomes outdated, we will "retire" the course (for quality assurance and accreditation purposes). If we retire a course that you purchased some time ago but never watched, we will gladly replace it for free with a newer course on a reasonably comparable topic.
TENNESSEE ATTORNEYS: Please note that the Tennessee Commission on CLE recently implemented a rule that forbids accreditation of a course that was produced more than two (2) years ago. Thus, if you are a Tennessee attorney and you have unwatched On-Demand courses in your Barristers Dashboard, those courses are likely to be retired within two years, if not sooner. If this happens, we will gladly replace the unwatched retired course for free with a newer and comparable course.
After you've viewed a course for the first time, you'll have 60 days thereafter to re-watch the course (and the ability to fast-forward and rewind a course becomes possible for repeat viewings).
In order to access and complete your online CLE (live webcast or on-demand courses), please follow these instructions:
1) Click on the "sign in to your account" link in the upper right-hand corner of the website (if you instead see a link at the top labeled "[your name]'s CLE Dashboard", click that link and then skip to step 4).
2) A box will appear requesting that you enter your email address and password. If you do not have or remember your password, please click here to reset it: Reset My Barristers Password
3) After entering your email address and password and clicking the "Log In" button, your Online CLE Dashboard will appear.
4) Locate the live webcast seminar or on-demand course you wish to view (scroll down if necessary), then click the "Enter Webcast" (for live webcasts) or "Start Course" (for on-demand courses) green button.
5) You will then see a reporting page appear. Please enter your bar number and the state or states you would like credit in, then click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.
6) After clicking the "Save" button, the course viewer will appear. You may now click the "play" button (the triangle shaped icon in the center of the black video box on the left) to begin viewing your course.
If you have any further questions or difficulty accessing your CLE, please call us at 1-800-874-8556. We will be happy to assist you!
To use your Unlimited CLE Subscription, please take the following steps:
Sign in to your Barristers account with your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, please let us know and we can reset it for you.
With our unlimited subscription, you have the ability to REGISTER for any of our online courses, either on-demand or live webcasts, for one year after the time of purchase. PLEASE NOTE: To watch any online CLE course with your Unlimited Subscription, you must first choose the courses you want to watch by clicking the blue "Register" button next to your chosen course(s). This will move your selected courses into your personal "Online CLE Dashboard." Then, when you’re ready to watch, visit your Online CLE Dashboard, and click the green "Start Course" button that appears next to the chosen course title in your Dashboard.
For your convenience, here are more detailed step-by-step instructions:
1) Once you are signed in to your Barristers account, you may REGISTER for any online courses by clicking on SHOP FOR CLE at the top of our website and choose either CLE ON-DEMAND or LIVE WEBCAST CLE. You will then select your state.
2) If you are registering for On-Demand CLE, you may register for our pre-made bundles of courses, or choose the BROWSE INDIVIDUAL COURSES button on the right-hand side of the screen to register for our individual one-hour on-demand courses.
3) Normally when you shop for CLE, you would see the "Add to Cart" button next to each course to purchase. But after you purchase an Unlimited Online CLE Subscription, you will instead see a "REGISTER" button next to each course. When you click on the "Register" button next to a course, it will place that course on your dashboard so that you may watch it for no additional charge.
4) Once you have registered for the course, simply click on your link at the top of the page that says [Your First Name] CLE Dashboard to access and view all of the courses you have registered for. You may continue to register for and view any of our online CLE courses for one year from the time of your original purchase.
5) At the end of your 12-month Subscription period, you'll have the opportunity to renew and extend your subscription (you won't be auto-billed). If you don't renew, we'll simply cancel any registrations for seminars you haven't viewed and completed by that date.
Please let us know if you have any other questions. You may call us at 1-800-874-8556 during regular office hours. Or you can send us a message by clicking here. We will be happy to help!